Storebrand krever klimahandling fra det internasjonale energibyrået
IEA leverer ikke de verktøyene regjeringer, investorer og selskaper trenger for å tilpasse politikk, investeringer og forretningsstrategier til Parisavtalen.
IEA leverer ikke de verktøyene regjeringer, investorer og selskaper trenger for å tilpasse politikk, investeringer og forretningsstrategier til Parisavtalen.
- The IEA needs to provide better tools for governments, investors and companies to align policies, investments and business strategies with the Paris Agreement. This is stated by Odd Arild Grefstad, CEO of Storebrand.
Storebrand Asset Management is once again awarded, "Norwegian Fund Selection team of the year". It's the ninth time the team receives the award. Out of ten possible.
Storebrand is one of the world's 100 most gender equal company, according to a global ranking by Equileap. But more work is needed.
Storebrand er et av verdens 100 mest likestilte selskaper, viser global kåring. Men mye arbeid gjenstår.
En allianse bestående av noen av verdens største pensjonsfond og forsikringsselskap har gått sammen om en unik forpliktelse til en karbonfri investeringsportefølje innen 2050.
In one of the boldest actions yet by the world’s largest investors to decarbonize the global economy, an alliance of the world’s largest pension funds and insurers has today committed to carbon-neutral investment portfolios by 2050.
On Sunday the Danish pensions sector, represented by Insurance and Pension Denmark, presented an agreement with the Government of Denmark to invest further US$50 billion in green climate investments between 2020 and 2030. The Danish initiative aims to inspire investors globally and help mobilize further investments around the world in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Today, 230 institutional investors representing USD $16.2 trillion in assets under management are calling on companies to take urgent action in light of the devastating fires in the Amazon, fueled in part because of the alarming rate of deforestation in Brazil and Bolivia.
Storebrand Eiendomsfond Norge KS er best i Europa på bærekraft i sin kategori i en internasjonal, anerkjent kåring.
Storebrand Eiendom er også anerkjent for sin ledende posisjon globalt som eiendomsforvalter, med et snitt på fire av fem mulige stjerner for sin stående eiendomsportefølje. Det er GRESB som har gjennomført kåringen. De vurderer årlig hvor bærekraftig eiendomsaktører forvalter sine
As the only Norwegian asset owner, Storebrand has been identified as an investor with excellent responsible investment practices in PRI Leader's Group.
The financial industry plays a vital role in the work against deforestation. Storebrand intensifies its work on sustainable investments by committing to a clear deforestation policy. The policy includes several measures to strengthen the efforts of Storebrand to curb deforestation.