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"Capital is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to address the growing climate crisis"
"Capital is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to address the growing climate crisis"

Pressemelding -

​Storebrand supports Danish initiative aiming to mobilize investments in clean energy

On Sunday the Danish pensions sector, represented by Insurance and Pension Denmark, presented an agreement with the Government of Denmark to invest further US$50 billion in green climate investments between 2020 and 2030. The Danish initiative aims to inspire investors globally and help mobilize further investments around the world in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The global efforts will be coordinated and mobilized by a coalition of public and private sector partners, the Government of Denmark, Chair of the IIGCC and CEO of the Danish pension fund PKA Peter Damgaard Jensen and World Climate Ltd.

Showing their support towards mobilizing international investments in clean energy were, apart from Storebrand Asset Management, major investors such as New York State Common Retirement Fund and PFZW from the Netherlands.

“I greatly appreciate the support for further climate investments from major international investors such as New York State Common Retirement Fund, PFZW and Storebrand Asset Management. The fight for a sustainable transition to clean energy and achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement is the greatest challenge we face as a global community and it cannot be achieved without private investors significantly increasing their investments in climate mitigation and adaptation", Peter Damgaard Jensen, CEO of the Danish pension fund PKA says.

"Capital is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to address the growing climate crisis and long term pensions represent half of the available pool of global capital. By teaming up with other investors and moving our assets to support a clean energy future, we make a clear and tangible contribution in the fight against climate change and for a green transition", Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO Storebrand Asset Management states.


Om Storebrand 

Storebrands ambisjon er å være best på sparing til pensjon. Storebrand skal levere bærekraftige løsninger tilpasset kundens livssituasjon slik at den enkelte får en bedre pensjon, og en bedre verden å gå av med pensjon i. Storebrand har om lag 40 000 bedriftskunder og 1,9 millioner personkunder i Norge og Sverige, med hovedkontor på Lysaker utenfor Oslo. Storebrand forvalter over 700 milliarder kroner og er Norges største private kapitalforvalter. Vi jobber målrettet for å nå visjonen om at Våre kunder anbefaler oss. Storebrand-aksjen (STB) er notert på Oslo Børs.

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Sara Skärvad

Sara Skärvad

Pressekontakt Director of Communication Storebrand Asset Management +46 70 621 77 92