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UK NEXT: CEO of Storebrand Asset Management, Jan Erik Saugestad.
UK NEXT: CEO of Storebrand Asset Management, Jan Erik Saugestad.

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​Storebrand enters the UK: Norway’s largest private asset manager to provide sustainable investment strategies

Storebrand is pleased to announce the UK launch of its leading sustainable investment solutions with the introduction of two leading strategies, Storebrand Global Multifactor and Storebrand Global ESG Plus, to eligible investors.

With £64 billion 1 assets under management, Storebrand Group is Norway's largest private asset manager and a leading Nordic provider of sustainable pensions and savings. The company has been a global pioneer in ESG investing for over 20 years, offering broad and scalable solutions for both institutional and private investors in Norway and Sweden. Storebrand delivers sustainable investment solutions and client value through a multi-boutique platform, with the brands Storebrand Funds, SKAGEN Funds and Delphi Funds, in addition to SPP Funds in Sweden.

As part of Storebrand Asset Management, SKAGEN continues to operate as an independent fund manager and is now able to distribute a number of Storebrand’s innovative strategies in the UK, alongside its own actively managed equity products.

– Sustainable solutions are more attractive than ever and demand across Europe is increasing rapidly. Our expertise in sustainability, smart beta, sustainable index and specialist active products means that we have a unique offering and through our multi-boutique platform we are well positioned to provide our solutions to a broader market, Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO of Storebrand Asset Management, said.

Nordic Sustainability pioneers
Storebrand was the first Norwegian company to establish a dedicated sustainable investment department in 1995 and has one of the most experienced ESG teams in the Nordic region. Its group-wide sustainable investment policy, which applies to all assets under management, is built on over twenty years’ experience and based on three pillars: Exclusions, Integration and Active Ownership. Each method is applied in different circumstances and provides alternative investment outcomes. We believe the full potential of a sustainable investment strategy is only realised when applying the approaches together.

Storebrand’s exclusion policy – the Storebrand Standard – prohibits any investment in companies involved in tobacco or weapons, contributing extensively to climate change or with significant revenue from unsustainable products (e.g. coal, oil sands, palm oil) or those that violate international laws, conventions and human rights.

Storebrand’s proprietary Sustainability Rating system evaluates over 3,000 companies on their ESG risks and opportunities aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This analysis is then systematically integrated into the investment processes used by portfolio managers to support their decision-making.

Storebrand uses its scale to engage in direct dialogue with companies, often in cooperation with other investors to increase our influence. Examples of such cooperation are PRI with Climate Action 100+, PRI Collaborative Engagement on Methane Risk, PRI-Ceres Investor Working Group on Sustainable Soy and Cattle, and PRI Investor Working Group on Sustainable Palm Oil. In several of these investor groups, we have a leading role. Storebrand is a signatory of the Montréal Carbon Pledge and Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition, and has committed to a total exit from coal investments by 2026 in line with the recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Storebrand Global Multifactor
The Storebrand Global Multifactor strategy seeks to generate strong capital growth through a long-only, model-based investment approach which combines sustainability with four equally-weighted risk factors; value, size, momentum and low volatility. Launched in November 2013 and managed by Andreas Poole, the fund invests in 300-400 large and mid-cap developed market stocks to create a sector and geography neutral portfolio. Storebrand Multifactor has £1.7 billion under management and has delivered annualised GBP returns of 12.1% since inception, 1.4% ahead of the MSCI World Index2.

Storebrand Global ESG Plus
Storebrand Global ESG Plus is a fossil-free global equity strategy that tracks the MSCI World Index. The fund optimises the selection of developed market companies which score highly according to Storebrand’s Sustainability Rating, avoiding companies that rank poorly and those that extract fossil fuels or are carbon intensive. Launched in April 2017 and managed by Henrik Wold Nilsen, Storebrand Global ESG Plus has £308 million under management and has delivered annualised GBP returns of 5.0% since inception, in line with the MSCI World Index3.

Storebrand Global Solutions
Storebrand Global Solutions is an actively managed global equity portfolio investing in sustainable impact companies. Managed by Philip Ripman, the strategy is fossil-free and seeks to generate alpha by identifying businesses from developed and emerging markets that provide solutions to help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Launched in October 2012, Storebrand Global Solutions has £242 million under management and has delivered annualised GBP returns of 13.8% since inception, 1.7% ahead of the MSCI All Country World Index4.

Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO of Storebrand Asset Management, commented:

«Storebrand has led the way by investing sustainably at scale for over 20 years and we are excited to extend our reach to include UK investors. The need to address global environmental and social challenges has never been greater and our priority is to deliver sustainable investment solutions which provide clients with optimal risk-adjusted returns without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.»

Tim Heffer, Managing Director of SKAGEN Funds, UK, added:

«Storebrand has a long history of combining sustainability with innovation and we are delighted to be distributing their successful investment strategies in the UK. In addition to sustainable portfolio solutions, we will continue to offer clients the best possible level of service and communication across our expanded range of complementary products.»

About Storebrand
The Storebrand Group is a leading player in the Nordic market for long-term savings and pensions. At the end of December 2018, Storebrand managed £63.8 billion, making it Norway's largest private asset manager. Storebrand delivers sustainable investment solutions and client value through a multi boutique platform, with the brands Storebrand Funds, SKAGEN Funds and Delphi Funds, and also SPP Funds in Sweden. Headquartered in Oslo, the company has also established life insurance, asset management and health insurance activities in Sweden. Storebrand serves 1.9 million customers with history dating back to 1767. Storebrand is a public company listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSL: STB). For more information visit www.storebrandfunds.co.uk

SKAGEN Funds is a Scandinavian investment management company with a long and successful history in managing equity and fixed income funds. Established in 1993 and headquartered in Stavanger, the company has grown to become one of the largest fund management companies in Norway with increasing activities in Europe. For more information visit  www.skagenfunds.co.uk

1As at 31 December 2018
2As at 31 January 2019, gross of fees; inception date: 1 November 2013
3As at 31 January 2019, gross of fees; inception date: 27 April 2017
4As at 31 January 2019, gross of fees; inception date: 1 October 2012





Pressekontakt Generelle mediehenvendelser. +47 480 44 838
Stig-Øyvind Blystad

Stig-Øyvind Blystad

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsdirektør +47 918 47 226
Sara Skärvad

Sara Skärvad

Pressekontakt Director of Communication Storebrand Asset Management +46 70 621 77 92
Anne Lindeberg

Anne Lindeberg

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsansvarlig Bærekraft +47 918 36 656
Annemarte Norevik

Annemarte Norevik

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Robert Henriksen

Robert Henriksen

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