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Head of Fund Selection at Storebrand, Georg Skare Lund, awarded both Nordics and Overall Personality of the Year.
Head of Fund Selection at Storebrand, Georg Skare Lund, awarded both Nordics and Overall Personality of the Year.

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Georg Skare Lund awarded Nordic Personality of the year and Industry Personality of the Year

Investment Europe has awarded personality awards all across Europe for fund selectors that they felt deserved particular recognition for their work. At this year's award, Georg Lund, Head of Fund Selection at Storebrand, was acknowledged, for his dedication and contribution to the business.

The Fund Manager of the Year Awards aims to celebrate the outstanding achievements of fund managers all across Europe. At this year's award, Georg Skare Lund, Head of Fund Selection at Storebrand, was acknowledged, for his dedication and contribution to the business, by being awarded Nordic Personality of the Year and Industry Personality of the year.

- It is very flattering that my peers gives me this recognition. I hope it means that the work we do stands out and that our genuine passion for the business comes across, says Georg Skare Lund.

Georg and his team have received several awards over the years and are to date considered one of the best Fund Selection teams in the Nordics. Read more her

The methodology
«The Awards utilise a methodology involving a quantitative screening – provided by Lipper, part of Refinitiv – to develop shortlists for categories of funds, which are then subject to a qualitative assessment – performed using the SharingAlpha platform – to arrive at the winners.

A similar process – combining performance scores of fund selectors via the SharingAlpha platform alongside factors such length of service in the industry and AUM responsibilities – was used to identify this year’s Personality Awards.»

More info at Investment Europe


About Storebrand

Storebrand's ambition is to be the best provider of saving for pensions. Storebrand will deliver sustainable solutions adapted to the customer's individual situation, so that each person receives a better pension in a more sustainable world. Storebrand has about 40.000 corporate customers and 1.9 million individual customers, and is headquartered in Lysaker outside of Oslo, Norway. Storebrand manages more than NOK 725bn and is Norway's largest asset manager. We work hard to reach our vision: Recommended by our customers. Storebrand (STB) is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange.

Visit us at www.storebrand.com and follow us on twitter: @Storebrand_no




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Stig-Øyvind Blystad

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Sara Skärvad

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Annemarte Norevik

Pressekontakt Senior kommunikasjonsrådgiver +47 97 61 51 97
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Robert Henriksen

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