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Fund Selection at Storebrand: Karsten Solberg,  Georg Skare Lund and Marius Valantiejus.
Fund Selection at Storebrand: Karsten Solberg, Georg Skare Lund and Marius Valantiejus.

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Storebrand "Fund Selection team of the year"

Once again Storebrand is awarded "Norwegian Fund Selection team of the year". It's the seventh time the team receives the award. Out of eight possible.

– We take great pride in receiving the award and it is a fantastic recognition of the work we do, says Georg Lund, Head of Fund Selection at Storebrand.

George and his team have received several awards over the years and are to date considered one of the best teams in the Nordics. Recently the team was awarded Fund selection team of the Year at the European Peer-to-Peer Awards.

– The field of asset management is in transition, so we constantly have to refine our area of search. Sustainability is for instance a component with increasing significance. The fact that we have received the price several years in a row shows that we have a rigorous process on how to identify and select sustainable funds for our clients.

The award was launched by Tell Media Group in 2010. Storebrand/SPP has recieved the award 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. 





Pressekontakt Generelle mediehenvendelser. +47 480 44 838
Stig-Øyvind Blystad

Stig-Øyvind Blystad

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsdirektør +47 918 47 226
Sara Skärvad

Sara Skärvad

Pressekontakt Director of Communication Storebrand Asset Management +46 70 621 77 92
Anne Lindeberg

Anne Lindeberg

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsansvarlig Bærekraft +47 918 36 656
Annemarte Norevik

Annemarte Norevik

Pressekontakt Senior kommunikasjonsrådgiver +47 97 61 51 97
Robert Henriksen

Robert Henriksen

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