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Andreas Poole, Fund manager, Storebrand Multifaktor.

Four years of beating the Beta (big time)

Four years ago Storebrand Global Multifaktor revised its strategy. Since then the fund has had an excess return of staggering 13.4 present.

Storebrand kjøper SKAGEN

Storebrand kjøper SKAGEN og styrker sin posisjon i et voksende sparemarked.

Matthew Smith, Head of Sustainable Investments at Storebrand. Photo: Storebrand.

​AGENDA 2030 "With only 13 years to go there’s no time to waste"

Two years ago today the United Nations, backed by 193 member states, launched a blueprint for sustainable development towards 2030. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals cover a range of critical environmental and social issues like climate change, healthcare, education and clean water. If achieved, these goals would deliver a sustainable and well-functioning global community.

Storebrands fondsseleksjonsteam (f.v.) Karsten Solberg, Georg Lund og Marius Valantiejus. Foto: Storebrand.

Storebrands fondsplukkere til topps

Storebrand mottok nylig prisen for årets "Fund Selection Team" på European Peer-to-Peer Awards. Teamet på tre danket ut fondsselektører fra hele Europa.

– Det er ikke tilstrekkelig kun å utelukke verstingselskapene. Derfor investerer vi mer i de selskapene som er godt posisjonert i forhold til de globale utfordringene, sier adm.dir i Storebrand Asset Management, Jan Erik Saugestad. Foto: Storebrand.

​Storebrand lanserer nytt ESG-fond

Storebrands nye fond, Storebrand Global ESG, bytter ut miljøverstingene med mer bærekraftige selskaper. Likevel avviker ikke fondet særlig fra indeks.

Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO Storebrand Asset Management

Storebrand launches new ESG Fund

Storebrand Global ESG is a global equity fund aiming to achieve long-term capital growth by focusing on companies that maintain strong environmental, social and corporate governance credentials. The fund is suitable for customers searching for a broad global sustainable fund that follows index at a reasonable cost.

Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO Storebrand Asset Management

Storebrand Asset Management signs the Green Bond Principles

​The market for green bonds is growing rapidly. Since the World Bank released its first green bond in 2008, more than 270 billion dollars have been issued to finance the transition to a more sustainable economy.

Mange fritidsbåter ender sine dager på havets bunn. Den nye vrakpantordningen vil forhåpentligvis gjøre det mer attraktivt å levere inn gamle båter til godkjente avfallsmottak. Foto: Rune Haldorsen, Storebrand

​Nå blir det båtpant

1. oktober innfører regjeringen vrakpant på 1000 kroner for fritidsbåter.

Storebrands hovedkontor på Lysaker. Foto: Storebrand

​Storebrand selger Lysaker Park

Storebrand ønsker å selge hovedkontoret på Lysaker å frigjøre midler til framtidige investeringer i eiendomsporteføljen.

– We are convinced that companies that take the global challenges seriously will be the most profitable in the long term, says Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO of Storebrand Asset Management.

Storebrand/SPP partners up with Global Opportunity Explorer

The Global Opportunity Explorer is a platform offering direct access to the most innovative solutions and market opportunities. The Explorer is a guide to hundreds of sustainable solutions and market opportunities addressing the SDGs.
– It´s all about turning SDGs into business solutions and contributing to a sustainable agenda. This joint effort enables us to connect and collaborate with compa

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